
Monthly committee meetings are the engine of advocacy.  Everyone is welcome to attend our committee meetings and you are encouraged to do so!  The meetings are held on Zoom until further notice. Subscribe to our newsletter by clicking HERE.

Life is complicated. Some issues involve multiple committees, so don't hesitate to start with any committee that is relevant to your issue.

Land Use Review Committee

Click Here - Overview for Developers

Ensuring development projects align with the character of and issues most important to community members of Queen Anne.

If you would like to get involved, contact Nicole Friedman, Chair.

Check out more information about LURC HERE

Parks Committee

Working with the Department of Parks & Recreation to ensure proper care and improvement of Queen Anne's many parks.

If you want additional information, contact Don Harper, Chair

Check out more information about Parks HERE

Public Safety Committee

Did you know we have Neighborhood Watch programs all around the hill?  All public safety concerns are addressed here, including emergency preparedness, crime and security, fire and rescue.

For additional information contact Tyler Crone, Chair.

Transportation Committee

Roads, buses, monorail, bridges, light rail, ebikes; Queen Anne is a central hub for activities in Seattle and, as a result, has numerous transportation issues.

If you are interested in additional information, contact Marcus White, Chair.

Check out more information HERE!

Community Engagement Committee

Fostering open and ongoing communications among members of the Queen Anne  community and with leaders throughout  the city to build a better neighborhood.

Neighbors Advisory Committee

NAC is a consortium of the Queen Anne and Magnolia Community Councils and the Port of Seattle.   The group focuses on community interests related to marine traffic, light, sound pollution, and environmental factors in Elliott Bay.

Find additional information HERE.