Welcome to Queen Anne Community Council.  We are a volunteer organization of those who live, work, own property, or run businesses in Queen Anne.  Our purpose is to advocate for the people of Queen Anne by listening, engaging, and communicating within the community and beyond.  The council is governed by a board of trustees elected by the community at large.

Fill out the form below to be added to our newsletter and meeting distribution list!

No August meeting! Our next regular Zoom meeting is Wed, September 4th at 7pm. Our annual meeting is Wed, September 18th at 7pm at which time elections for the Board of Trustees will be held. 

SignUp for any or all meetings to get the Zoom link:   https://forms.gle/HRppfkXQ93fdLynU7

Find the Committee meeting schedule and SignUp links on the Meetings Page

Support the Queen Anne Community Council.  Donate HERE!  And, THANK YOU!

QACC Newsletters & Meeting Minutes

Questions?  Email us at queenannecc@gmail.com or join our mailing list

Queen Anne Community Council

A neighborhood advocacy group providing a connection point for information to and from our community